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Transit-Oriented Development (TOD) is defined as compact, mixed-use development near transit that creates sustainable communities where people of all ages and incomes have transportation and housing choices where people can walk, bike, and take transit. The goal of this course is to help transportation and land use professionals effectively participate in the planning, funding, and implementation of transit-oriented projects that improve the environment, create a sense of community, and boost transit ridership.
The primary audience includes transit agency planners and development specialists, State DOT planners and engineering, MPO staff, Federal employees (FTA, FHWA, FRA, HUD, DOL, DOE and others), city and county engineers and planners and consultants.
This course is an intermediate course. Although not required, participants should have a working knowledge of basic transportation, land use planning, transit planning, and operational concepts.
Upon completion of the course, participants will be able to:
- Express how transportation and land use planning must be linked to support successful TOD initiatives.
- Recognize the factors that are converging to make TOD particularly attractive now and in the future.
- Relate the importance of customer-oriented transit to cultivating successful TOD projects.
- Describe TOD planning approaches and principles at the regional, station area, and site level.
- Apply TOD planning principles to develop a station area plan.
- Review TOD implementation strategies and tools.
Length: 2 days
CEUs: 1.45
Andrea Dixon