Transit Asset Management Implementation for Tier II Providers and Sponsors

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This course provides an overview of and implementation guidance for Tier II providers intending to comply with the Transit Asset Management (TAM) Final Rule (49 CFR 625). Tier II providers are defined as federal transit funding recipients that own, operate, or manage one hundred or fewer vehicles in revenue service during peak regular service across all non-rail fixed route modes or in any one non-fixed route mode, subrecipients under the 5311 Rural Area Formula Program, or any American Indian tribe. The course is intended to outline the requirements, underlying TAM principles, improve transit asset management understanding and practices among smaller providers, and provide support to Tier II parties charged with implementation of the asset management requirements, including: Group TAM Plan Sponsors, such as State Departments of Transportation or Metropolitan Planning Organizations; subrecipients with more than one hundred vehicles in bus only revenue service; and subrecipients with one hundred or fewer vehicles in revenue service that have chosen to opt-out of a Group TAM Plan.


This course is directed at mid- and senior-level managers from TAM Plan sponsoring agencies (Group Plan Sponsors and Group Plan Opt-outs), who will be responsible for the implementation of the TAM Final Rule within their agencies.


By the end of this course, participants will:

  • Gain a common understanding of transit asset management and what it means for Small Providers
  • Understand the requirements of the Final Rule on Transit Asset Management (49 CFR 625) for Tier II providers
  • Understand the benefits of a transit asset management plan and how it can be used to improve decision-making regarding the management of assets throughout their lifecycle
  • Understand how to develop a transit asset management plan and how to use the plan template ( to support their process

5 Hours

CEUs: 0.50


Myrna Sirleaf