Disadvantaged Business Enterprise


Every transit agency receiving funding from FTA must comply with DOT’s DBE regulations. Transit grantees and others involved in the application and the administration of the DBE requirements should have a complete understanding of these requirements and engage in the best practices with regard to encouraging participation by DBEs.

This training is designed to assist DBE transit agency staff and FTA regional staff with developing and implementing policies and procedures consistent with US DOT’s revised DBE regulations, 49 CFR Part 26, and DOT guidance. This course will provide a basic understanding and working knowledge of the US DOT DBE regulations and DOT guidance. Attendees will be provided with the tools necessary to design and implement a DBE program in their organizations or agencies.


Upon completion of this class, participants will understand:

  • Federal requirements regarding DBEs
  • Setting annual DBE goals
  • Accounting for and reporting DBE participation
  • Certification of DBE’s
  • Agency specific DBE requirements
  • FTA’s role in the DBE process
  • Disputes and appeals under the DBE requirements

PLEASE NOTE THE FOLLOWING: This class is oriented toward Federal Transit Administration grantees and focuses on transit-related DBE issues. Non-transit grant recipients and non-transit modal operators may not receive the specific technical assistance related to Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) and the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) DBE issues.

(NTI will only issue Certificates of Completion to individuals who attend the entire course. Please plan to attend all 4-day sessions.)


Duration: Virtual, 4 days, Monday-Thursday, 1:00 pm-5:00 pm Eastern Time
Contact: Myrna Sirleaf
Email: msirleaf@nti.rutgers.edu
Audience: DBE Managers, General Managers, Procurement Managers and their staff of state DOT`s, transit agencies, and Metropolitan Planning Organizations and transit vehicle manufacturers.